Terms and Conditions

Thank you for your interest in Our company, Our Website and Our Services. Here is some important information about Our applicable terms and conditions. Customer satisfaction is a high priority for Our company. With these Terms and Conditions, we would like to set out the applicable conditions of use of Our education platform, Our Website and Our Services. 

These Terms and Conditions constitute the legally binding agreement between Us and Our Users regarding the conditions of use of Our platform, Our Content, Our Website and Our Services , and they apply as between you, the User of this Website and TeachUp Limited, the owner of this Website. By using Our Website, any of Our Content, your Account and/or Our Services, you confirm that you have read, agree and are in full compliance with these Terms and Conditions (as amended from time to time). If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you should stop using the Website, your Account and Our Services immediately.

No part of this Website is intended to constitute a contractual offer capable of acceptance. Your order constitutes a contractual offer and Our acceptance of that offer is deemed to occur upon Our sending a confirmation email to you indicating that your order has been accepted.

A. Summary

This is a summary of Our key terms and conditions, for your ease of reference only. For the full, legally binding terms and conditions, please scroll down.
  • We own all the Intellectual Property Rights in all the Content on Our Website, and you are not allowed to record, copy, publish, distribute (online or offline), perform or display any of Our Content or any of the materials relating to Our Services on any other platform or medium.
  • Our Content and the use of Our Website, Services or any related content on it or resulting from it is meant for educational use only and may not be further commercialized without our permission.
  • Links to our Our homepage can be shared with others but this does not include providing deep links to Our Website.      
  • Whilst we try to minimize any issues, we are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or the correctness of any of Our Content or for any bugs, viruses, outages etc. on Our Website.
  • You agree to Our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy available on Our website.
  • Orders will be placed by selecting the payment plans, bundles and subscriptions available at, and by selecting such, you allow us to charge you by using your stored Payment Information and declare that you agree with the specific conditions and payment of any of such plans, bundles and subscriptions.
  • Accounts are strictly personal and users may only use the content on Our platform for their own personal or business learning, Users are not permitted to adapt it or distribute any of it to anybody else. Users agree we have the right to to disable/ terminate Accounts if we identify abuse.
  • By using Our Website, any of Our Content, your Account and/or Our Services, you confirm that you have read, agree and are in full compliance with these Terms and Conditions, which we may amended from time to time by posting them on our Website.  

B. Full Terms and Conditions

1. Definitions and Interpretation

In these Terms and Conditions the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"Account": means collectively the personal information, Payment Information and credentials used by Users to access Paid Content and / or any communications System on the Website;
"Content": means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website;
"Facilities": means collectively any online facilities, tools, services or information that TeachUp Limited makes available through the Website either now or in the future;
“Intellectual Property Rights”: means any patents, utility models, rights to inventions, copyright and neighbouring and related rights, trademarks and service marks, business names and domain names, social media and e-commerce account names, rights in get-up and trade dress, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair competition, rights in designs, rights in computer software, database rights, rights to use, and protect the confidentiality of, confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets), and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world.
"Services": means the services available to you through this Website, specifically use of the TeachUp Limited proprietary e-learning platform;
"Payment Information": means any details required for the purchase of Services from this Website. This includes, but is not limited to, credit / debit card numbers, bank account numbers and sort codes;
"Premises": Means Our place(s) of business located at TeachUp Limited, Unit A, 6/F, Success Commercial Building, 245-251 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong;
"System": means any online communications infrastructure that TeachUp Limited makes available through the Website either now or in the future. This includes, but is not limited to, web-based email, message boards, live chat facilities and email links;
“You” / "User" / "Users": means any visitor or Account holder accessing the Website and/or using Our Services, who is not employed by TeachUp Limited Ltd;
"Website": means the learning management system that you are currently using (<online.teachup.org>), the TeachUp website (<www.teachup.org>), and any sub-domains of this site ; and
"We/Us/Our": means TeachUp Limited, a company incorporated in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, with registered address at Unit A, 6/F, Success Commercial Building, 245-251 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

2. Age Restrictions

Persons under the age of 18 should use this Website only with the supervision of an Adult. Payment Information must be provided by or with the permission of an Adult.

3. Business Customers

These Terms and Conditions also apply to customers procuring Services or accessing the Website in the course of business.

4. Intellectual Property

4.1 Subject to the exceptions in Clause 5 of these Terms and Conditions, all Intellectual Property Rights in any Content included on the Website or resulting from any materials and other work product from the Services, Facilities or System, including any updates, improvements, adaptations, translations and modifications thereof, and including any Content voluntarily uploaded by Users or posted on or via the System, including, but not limited to, any text, graphics, documents, materials, logos, icons, images, sound clips, lectures, course notes, video clips, data compilations, databases, page layout, underlying code and software, is and shall remain the exclusive property of TeachUp Limited or Our affiliates. By continuing to use the Website, the Facilities, the System or the Services you acknowledge that such material is owned by Us exclusively and protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. You also agree that you have and shall have no rights in or to the Content and any materials and other work product from the Services other than the right to use it strictly in accordance with the terms of the licence in paragraph 4.2 below.

4.2 Subject to your compliance with these Terms and Conditions, we grant you a fully revocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable, limited right and licence for the duration of your plan of Service (if such duration is specified): (i) to access, internally use and display the Website and Content for individual study and use, as necessary to browse and/or participate in the Content and Services as permitted by these Terms; and (ii) to download Content from the Website, Facilities, System and Services so that you may exercise the rights granted to you by these Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the above licence does not include any right to use any Content from the Website, Facilities, System or Services on a commercial basis. You must at all times abide by and refrain from tampering any copyright notices or restrictions contained on the Website or the Content and Services. You may not delete any attributions, legal or proprietary notices on the Website or the Content.

4.3 You hereby agree to immediately assign to TeachUp Limited, at no extra cost, any Intellectual Property Rights you obtain in violation of this clause 4, and agree to promptly execute any form, power of attorney or agreement to give full effect to this clause. You unconditionally and irrevocably waive any and all moral rights you may have either now or in the future existing in or in connection with any Content, any materials or work product resulting from the Services, Facilities, System or the Website. You hereby also agree not to challenge the validity or ownership of any of TeachUp Limited’s Intellectual Property Rights. You hereby particularly accept that: (i) you are only permitted to use TeachUp Limited’s Intellectual Property Rights for the purposes of and during the term of these Terms and Conditions; (ii) you have and shall have no right to use any of TeachUp Limited’s Intellectual Property Rights other than as a User of the Website or of the Services, and shall have no right whatsoever to allow any third party to use any of TeachUp Limited’s Intellectual Property Rights, or any part of it; (iii) you shall not do or omit to do, or authorise any third party to do or to omit to do, anything which could invalidate or be inconsistent with any of TeachUp Limited’s ownership of or the validity and enforceability of any of TeachUp Limited’s Intellectual Property Rights.

4.4 Subject to Clause 6 you may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use material from the Website or resulting from the Services unless otherwise indicated on the Website or unless given Our express written permission to do so.

4.5 We hereby grant the operators of public search engines permission to use web spiders or crawlers to copy certain limited materials from the site for the sole purpose of listing such limited parts of our materials in online search results, but do not allow caches or archives of such materials. We reserve the right to revoke these exceptions, either generally or in specific cases. Users are not allowed to develop, support or use software, devices or scripts to scrape the content on the Website.

5. Third Party Intellectual Property

5.1 Unless otherwise expressly indicated, all Intellectual Property Rights including, but not limited to, third party Copyright and Trademarks, in product images and descriptions used in Content belong to the manufacturers or distributors of such products as may be applicable.

5.2 You may not reproduce, copy, distribute, store or in any other fashion re-use such material unless otherwise indicated on the Website or unless given express written permission to do so by the relevant manufacturer or supplier.

6. Lawful Educational Use, no Fraud and no Defamation

You agree to use Our Content, Our Website and Our Services only for the lawful educational purposes set out in these Terms and Conditions and your use of Our Content, Our Website and Our Services shall in no way be unlawful or fraudulent, and shall not have the intention or effect of defaming Us or damaging Us either reputationally or financially. You particularly agree not to (and will not attempt to) circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with any security related features of the Website or any features that: (i) prevent or restrict use or copying of content; or (ii) enforce any limitations on you, the use of the Website or access to the Content and Our Services or any related material. You agree to only use Our Content, Our Website and Our Services for lawful educational purposes and shall not use them for (i) the sale of access to the Content and Services or any associated content; (ii) the solicitation of business in the course of trade or in connection with a commercial enterprise; and (iii) the solicitation of any other Users or third parties regarding third party commercial activities. We reserve the right to immediately terminate your Account in accordance with clause 11 hereof in case of any violation of this clause.

7. Links to Other Websites

This Website may contain links to other sites. Unless expressly stated, these sites are not under the control of TeachUp Limited or that of Our affiliates. We assume no responsibility for the content of such websites and disclaim liability for any and all forms of loss or damage arising out of the use of them. The inclusion of a link to another site on this Website does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or of those in control of them. We will not be liable for any transactions conducted by you with third parties through any linked sites or for any liability arising from any representations or information provided on such linked sites.

8. Links to this Website

Those wishing to place a link to this Website on other sites may do so only to the home page of the site <online.teachup.org> without Our prior permission. Deep linking (i.e. links to specific pages within the site) requires Our express written permission. To find out more please contact Us by email at team@teachup.org.

9. Use of Communications Facilities

9.1 When using any System on the Website you should do so in accordance with the following rules. Failure to comply with these rules may result in your Account being suspended or closed:

9.1.1 You must not use obscene, discriminatory, or otherwise offensive, inappropriate or vulgar language;

9.1.2 You must not submit Content that is unlawful or otherwise objectionable. This includes, but is not limited to, third-party owned Content or Content that is abusive, threatening, harassing, defamatory, ageist, sexist or racist;

9.1.3 You must not submit Content that is intended to promote or incite violence;

9.1.4 It is advised that submissions are made using the English language as We may be unable to respond to enquiries submitted in any other languages;

9.1.5 The means by which you identify yourself must not violate these Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws;

9.1.6 You must not impersonate other people, particularly employees and representatives of TeachUp Limited or Our affiliates; and

9.1.7 You must not use Our System for unauthorised mass-communication such as "spam" or "junk mail".

9.1.8 You agree not to knowingly transmit any data or send or submit any content that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, key-stroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware.

9.2 You acknowledge that TeachUp Limited reserves the right to monitor, save, transfer and consult any and all communications made to Us or using Our System.

9.3 You acknowledge that TeachUp Limited may retain copies of any and all communications made to Us or using Our System.

9.4 You acknowledge that any information you send to Us through Our System may be modified by Us in any way and you hereby waive all your moral rights therein, including the right to be identified as the author of such information. Any restrictions you may wish to place upon Our use of such information must be communicated to Us in advance and We reserve the right to reject such terms and associated information.

10. Accounts

10.1 In order to procure Services on this Website and to use certain other parts of the System, you are required to create an Account which will contain certain personal details (the submission, collection, processing, use and transfer of which shall be subject to Our Privacy Policy, which you declare to have read and approved) and Payment Information which may vary based upon your use of the Website as We may not require payment information until you wish to make a purchase. By continuing to use this Website you represent and warrant that:

10.1.1 all information you submit is accurate and truthful;

10.1.2 you have permission to submit Payment Information where permission may be required;

10.1.3 you will keep this information accurate and up-to-date. Your creation of an Account is further affirmation of your representation and warranty; and

10.1.4 you are, and will continue to be, registered for the Website only once and will not set up multiple Accounts.

10.2 Account details are strictly personal, particularly your username and password, and may not be shared by you with any other person. We accept no liability for any losses or damages incurred as a result of your Account details being shared by you. If you use a shared computer, it is recommended that you do not save your Account details in your internet browser. If We notice any behaviour patterns (e.g. simultaneous logins, or logins from multiple IP addresses etc.) which indicate you have shared or are sharing your Account details with other persons or entities, we may notify you of such behaviour and hereby reserve the right, at Our full discretion, to disable your Account at any time, with no duty whatsoever on Our behalf to reimburse you for any subscribed courses, plans, bundles or subscriptions. Any such measures shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies we may have against you based on any type of abuse of your Account or use of your Account not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or any applicable law.

10.3 If you have reason to believe that your Account details have been obtained by another person without consent, you should contact Us immediately to suspend your Account and cancel any unauthorised orders or payments that may be pending. Please be aware that orders or payments can only be cancelled up until provision of Services has commenced. In the event that an unauthorised provision commences prior to your notifying Us of the unauthorised nature of the order or payment then you shall be charged for the period from the commencement of the provision of services until the date you notified Us and may be charged for a billing cycle of one month.

10.4 When choosing your username you are required to adhere to the terms set out above in Clause 9. Any failure to do so could result in the suspension and/or deletion of your Account, with no duty whatsoever on Our behalf to reimburse you for any subscribed courses, plans, bundles or subscriptions.

11. Termination and Cancellation of Accounts

11.1 Either TeachUp Limited or you may terminate your Account. If We terminate your Account, you will be notified by email and an explanation for the termination will be provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, We reserve the right to terminate without giving reasons and if the termination is due to a breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Policy or any applicable law, We shall have no obligation to reimburse you for any subscribed courses, plans, bundles or subscriptions. Any such measures shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies we may have against you based on any type of abuse of your Account or use of your Account not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or any applicable law.

11.2 If We terminate your Account, any current or pending orders or payments on your Account will be cancelled and provision of Services will not commence.

12. Services, Pricing and Availability

12.1 Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that all general descriptions of Services available from TeachUp Limited correspond to the actual Services that will be provided to you, We are not responsible for any variations from these descriptions as the exact nature of the Services may vary depending on your individual requirements and circumstances. This does not exclude Our liability for mistakes due to negligence on Our part and refers only to variations of the correct Services, not different Services altogether. Please refer to sub-Clause 13.8 for incorrect Services.

12.2 Where appropriate, you may be required to select the required Plan of Services and, in accordance with clause 13.4, by selecting a certain plan of Services, you irrevocably agree to pay for such plan of Services using the Payment Information registered for your Account.

12.3 We neither represent nor warrant that such Services will be available at all times and cannot necessarily confirm availability until confirming your Order. Availability indications are not provided on the Website.

12.4 All pricing information and all specific terms and conditions related to the specific courses and payment plans on the Website, particularly at is correct at the time of going online, and such specific terms and conditions are hereby incorporated into these Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change prices and alter or remove any special offers from time to time and as necessary.

12.5 In the event that prices are changed during the period between an order being placed for Services and Us processing that order and taking payment, then the price that was valid at the time of the order shall be used. 

13. Orders, Provision of Services, Payment and Renewal

13.1 No part of this Website constitutes a contractual offer capable of acceptance. Your order constitutes a contractual offer that We may, at Our sole discretion, accept. Our acceptance is indicated by Us sending to you an order confirmation email. Only once We have sent you an order confirmation email will there be a binding contract between TeachUp Limited and you.

13.2 Order confirmations under sub-Clause 13.1 will be sent to you before the Services begin and shall contain the following information:

13.2.1 Confirmation of the Services ordered including full details of the main characteristics of those Services;

13.2.2 Fully itemised pricing for the Services ordered including, where appropriate, taxes, delivery and other additional charges;

13.2.3 Relevant times and dates for the provision of the Services;

13.2.4 User credentials and relevant information for accessing those services.

13.3 If We, for any reason, do not accept your order, no payment shall be taken under normal circumstances. In any event, any sums paid by you in relation to that order will be refunded within 14 calendar days.

13.4 Payment for the Services shall be taken via your chosen Payment Information, immediately for any setup fee that corresponds to the service plan you purchased and at the same day of each subsequent month (“billing cycle”) for charges accrued during the previous month (“billing cycle”) AND/OR as indicated in the order confirmation you received. If a free trial period is offered under your selected plan of Services, then the Services will be free for such duration. After the free trial period has ended we will automatically charge you for your selected Services plan using your registered Payment Information and you will not be entitled to a refund if you cancel your Services plan after this point. If your selected Services plan is offered for a limited duration only, we will automatically renew your Services plan, and charge you for it using your registered Payment Information at the end of your current subscription period, unless you have cancelled your Services plan prior to the end of the subscription period.

13.5 We aim to fulfill your Order within 2-3 working days or if not, within a reasonable period following your Order, unless there are exceptional circumstances. If we cannot fulfill your Order within a reasonable period, we will inform you at the time you place the Order by a note on the relevant web page or by contacting you directly after you place your Order. Time is not of the essence of the Contract, which means we will aim to fulfill your Order within any agreed timescales but this is not an essential term of the Contract and we will not be liable to you if we do not do so. If the Services are to begin within 14 calendar days of Our acceptance of your order, at your express request, you will be required to expressly acknowledge that your statutory cancellation rights, detailed below in Clause 14, will be affected.

13.6 TeachUp Limited shall use all Our reasonable endeavours to provide the Services with reasonable skill and care, commensurate with best trade practice.

13.7 In the event that Services are provided that are not in conformity with your order and thus incorrect, you should contact Us immediately to inform Us of the mistake. We will ensure that any necessary corrections are made within five (5) working days.
Additional terms and conditions may apply to the provision of certain Services. You will be asked to read and confirm your acceptance of any such terms and conditions when completing your Order.

13.8 TeachUp Limited provides technical support via Our online support forum. TeachUp Limited makes every effort possible to respond in a timely manner but we do not guarantee a particular response time.

14. Cancellation of Orders and Services

We want you to be completely satisfied with the Products or Services you order from TeachUp Limited. If you need to speak to Us about your Order, then please contact customer care by email at team@teachup.org or write to us at Our address (see section 1 above). You may cancel an Order that we have accepted or cancel the Contract, provided that we shall have no obligation to reimburse you or any payment, fees or costs paid unless and until We agree to reimburse such in writing, based on exceptional circumstances.

14.1 If you are a consumer (i.e. a person who buys goods or services for your own personal end use, thereby excluding any company, or person acting in a professional capacity) with your habitual residence within the territory of the European Union, the United Kingdom, or the United States of America (or any other jurisdiction providing for a similar right under a mandatory applicable law, evidence of which must be provided by you), you have a statutory right to a “cooling off” period. This period begins once your order is confirmed and the contract between TeachUp Limited and you is formed and ends at the end of 14 calendar days after that date, provided that for consumers with their habitual residence in the United States of America, such cooling-off period shall be limited to 72 hours after that date. If you change your mind about the Services within this period and wish to cancel your order, please inform Us immediately using the following email: team@teachup.org. Your right to cancel during the cooling off period is subject to the provisions of sub-Clause 14.2.

14.2 If the Services are not to begin within the cooling off period you are required to make an express request to that effect. By requesting that the Services begin within the cooling off period you acknowledge and agree to the following:

14.2.1 If the Services are fully performed within the cooling off period, you will lose your right to cancel after the Services are complete.

14.2.2 If you cancel the Services after provision has begun but is not yet complete you will still be required to pay for the Services supplied up until the point at which you inform Us that you wish to cancel. The amount due shall be calculated in proportion to the full price of the Services and the actual Services already provided. Any sums that have already been paid for the Services shall be refunded subject to deductions calculated in accordance with the foregoing. Refunds, where applicable, will be issued within 5 working days and in any event no later than 14 calendar days after you inform Us that you wish to cancel.

15. Promotions & Discount Codes

15.1 We may offer certain a promotional code or discount code (together the “Promo Code”) from time to time, which may reduce the price of Our Services and Content. The Promo Code must be applied at checkout and cannot be applied retrospectively. Only a single Promo Code will be allowed to be used.

15.2. Each Promo Code may come under its own terms and conditions which will prevail over these Terms and Conditions.

15.3. If a Promo Code has been issued to you, it is personal to you and cannot be transferred to any other person. If we believe it is being misused, not in line with these Terms and Conditions or we believe it is used fraudulently, we reserve the right to cancel the Promo Code.

15.4. The Promo Code cannot be duplicated, transferred, sold or redeemed for cash or credit, and has no monetary value by itself, and you will not have any property rights in it.

15.5. The Promo Code is only valid for the period of time specified in the terms of use or until the Promo Code has been used, when it will expire.

16. Privacy

Use of the Website and use of any data (including personal data) is also governed by Our Privacy Policy (<online.teachup.org/privacy>) and Our Cookie Policy (<online.teachup.org/cookies>) which are incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by this reference, and which you hereby declare to have read and approved. To view the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, please click on the links above.

17. Disclaimers, Representations and Indemnities

17.1 Whilst We use commercially reasonable endeavours to ensure that Our platform, the Website and the Services are stable, compatible with common consumer computer systems, correct, up-to-date and non-infringing, We make no warranty or representation of any kind, and provide no indemnity of any kind, that the Website, Our platform or Services will meet your requirements, that they will be of satisfactory quality, that they will be error-free, bug-free, and up-to-date, fit for a particular purpose, that they will not infringe the rights of third parties, that they will be compatible with all systems, that they will be secure and that all information provided will be accurate. We make no guarantee of any specific results from the use of Our platform, Website or Services.

17.2 No part of this Website is intended to constitute advice of any kind and the Content of this Website should not be relied upon when making any decisions or taking any action of any kind.

17.3 No part of this Website is intended to constitute a contractual offer capable of acceptance.

17.4 Whilst We use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website is secure and free of errors, viruses and other malware, you are strongly advised to take responsibility for your own internet security, that of your personal details and your computers.

17.5 You hereby agree to indemnify and keep Us fully indemnified from and against all actions, claims, demands, costs, expenses, liabilities, loss, damages or other monetary relief brought, made or awarded against or incurred by Us resulting (directly or indirectly) from: (i) you submitting Content or materials in connection with the Services or the Website in breach of these Terms and Conditions; (ii) your access to or use of the Website or Content or materials in connection with the Services or the Website in breach of these Terms and Conditions; (iii) any other breach by you of any of these Terms and Conditions; and (iv) any negligent act or omission, deliberate default, fraud or breach of statutory duty on your part.

18. Changes to the Facilities and these Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to change, update or otherwise amend the Website, the Services its Content or these Terms and Conditions (or the abovementioned Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy) at any time. You will be presumed to have agreed to and be bound by any changes to the Terms and Conditions (or the abovementioned Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy) from the first time you use the Website or the Services following the publication of such changes on the Website. If We are required to make any changes to these Terms and Conditions by law, these changes will apply automatically to any orders currently pending in addition to any orders placed by you in the future.

19. Availability of the Website

19.1 The Website is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. TeachUp Limited uses industry best practices to provide a high uptime, including a fault-tolerant architecture hosted in cloud servers. We give no warranty that the Website or Facilities will be free of erros, bugs, defects and / or faults and we do not provide any kind of refund for outages or corruption of data of any kind. We provide no warranties (express or implied) of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, compatibility and satisfactory quality.

19.2 We accept no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Website resulting from external causes or unforeseeable internal causes including, but not limited to, ISP equipment failure, host equipment failure, communications network failure, strikes, pandemic, power failure, natural events, acts of war or legal restrictions and censorship, or any other case of force majeure under applicable laws.

19.3 You acknowledge and agree that we may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the Website, the Content and the Services (or any part thereof) to you or to any other Users generally for whatever commercially reasonable motive, at Our sole discretion, without prior notice and without the duty to reimburse you.

20. Limitation of Liability and Cap on Liability

20.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, We accept no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage, foreseeable or otherwise, including any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of the Website, the Services or any information contained therein. You should be aware that you use the Website and its Content at your own risk.

20.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or restricts liabilities which TeachUp Limited may not exclude or restrict under mandatory provisions of applicable law.

20.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms and Conditions, TeachUp Limited’s liability to any User under these Terms and Conditions, under the abovementioned Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy shall be capped at the amount received by TeachUp Limited from such User for the Services under these Terms and Conditions.

20.4 In the event that any of these terms are found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that term is to be deemed severed from these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining Terms and Conditions. This term shall apply only within jurisdictions where a particular term is illegal.

21. No Waiver, Invalidity of Clauses, Assignment

In the event that any party to these Terms and Conditions fails to exercise any right or remedy contained herein, this shall not be construed as a waiver of that right or remedy. If any clause or part thereof of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not possible, the relevant clause or part thereof shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a clause or part thereof under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Terms and Conditions. We may freely transfer or assign any part of Our rights or delegate Our obligations under these Terms and Conditions. You are not entitled to transfer or assign, by operation of law or otherwise, any part of your rights or delegate your obligations under these Terms without Our prior written consent.

22. Previous Terms and Conditions

In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any prior versions thereof, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail unless it is expressly stated otherwise.

23. Third Party Rights

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall confer any rights upon any third party. The agreement created by these Terms and Conditions is between you and TeachUp Limited.

24. Communications

24.1 All notices / communications shall be given to Us either by post to Our Premises (see address above) or by email to team@teachup.org. Such notice will be deemed received 3 days after posting if sent by first class post, the day of sending if the email is received in full on a business day (provided a confirmation of receipt is received) and on the next business day if the email is sent on a weekend or public holiday (provided a confirmation of receipt is received).

24.2 We may from time to time, if you opt to receive it, send you information about Our products and/or services. If you do not wish to receive such information, please click on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in any email which you receive from Us.

25. Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions and the relationship between you and TeachUp Limited shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Law of the Hong Kong SAR and TeachUp Limited and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong SAR.